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Soundologia Pedja Publications 72

Predrag Pedja Kovacevic – Publications and Projects

Pedja Kovacevic at the Soundologia studio, Miami, 2023.
Artistic Exhibition, Showcase or Display

Presentation at Sonic Landscape Festival, April 7, 2023, Miami, Florida

Video Projects
Published papers

Kovačević Predrag I.: “Transposition of Arnold Böcklin’s Painting Island of The Dead Into The Medium Of Music.” Music/Image: Transpositions, Translations, Transformations… Ed. by Veselinović-Hofman, Mirjana and others. Belgrade: Department of Musicology. Faculty of Music. University of Arts in Belgrade. 2018, 149-168. ISBN: 978-86-88619-99-8.

Kovačević Predrag I.: “String Quartet of Predrag Milošević” (“Gudački kvartet Predraga Miloševića”). In: The Multifaceted Artistic Activity of Predrag Milošević (1904-1988) – 110th Anniversary of Birth [Mnogostruka umetnička delatnost kompozitora Predraga Miloševića (1904-1988) povodom 110. godišnjice od rođenja]. Ed. by Masnikosa, Marija, Mihajlović-Marković, Jelena. Belgrade: Serbian Musicological Society & Faculty of Music. University of Arts in Belgrade. 2015, ISBN: 978-86-87757-06-6. 153-156.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “A Dance of Myths. Ariadne and Don Juan in a Dance for Life – An Opera within an Opera and a Tone Poem by Richard Straus” (“Ples mitova. Arijadna i Don Juan u plesu za život. Opera u operi i tonska poema Richarda Straussa”). Music – Journal for Music Culture [Muzika – časopis za muzičku kulturu]. XVIII. 2. 2014, 8-36. ISSN: 1512-5297.

Petković, Ivana, Kovačević, Predrag I.: “The Present Breathing in a New Life to the Past. Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac through the YouTube Website.” (“Sadašnjost u želji da prošlosti dâ budućnost – Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac kroz medijski servis Jutjub”). Mokranjac – Journal for Music Culture (Mokranjac – časopis za kulturu). 16. 2014, 39-47.

Participant in the book

Stojkov, Borislav, Premeru, Donata: Film and Music – Temptations of Great Composers (Filmska muzika – iskušenja velikih kompozitora). Musical collaborator in the book. Belgrade: RTS & Orion art. 2016.

International conferences, lectures, and forums

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “Commedia dell’Аrte in action: Elements of theatrical genres in the opera „Arlecchino“ by Ferruccio Busoni,” Musicology (in)action: Past Musics, Present Practices, Future Prospects, Department of Music Science and Art, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki (in review
for publishing in 2021).

Duet of architecture and music. Stretto house by Steven Holl as ‘echo’ for Music for strings instruments, percussion, and celesta by Béla Bartók. XIV. International Conference of the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade Belgrade, October 24-27, 2018. The broader study of this research was presented at Florida International University on June 12, 2019.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “Commedia dell’Аrte in action: Elements of theatrical genres in the opera „Arlecchino“ by Ferruccio Busoni”. International PhD Musicological Conference, Musicology (in)action: Past Musics, Present Practices, Future Prospects, Department of Music Science and Art, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, February 9-11, 2018.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “Zoomuzicology as an aspect of studying music and identities of birds in music by Einojuhani Rautavaara,” 20th Pedagogical Forum Of Performing Arts – The Second International Meeting, Rectorate of the University of Arts Belgrade, Belgrade, September 29 – October 1, 2017.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “Deep sound hunting – when sounds build music.” The fourth International Students’ Conference „The Sound Ambiguity,” Karol Lipiński Academy of Music, Wroclaw, May 26-28th, 2017.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “Transposition of Arnold Böcklin’s Painting ‘Island of the Dead’ into the Medium of Music.” Transpositions: Music/Image. XIII. International Conference of the Department of Musicology Belgrade. Faculty of Music. University of Arts. October 2016.

Petković, Ivana, Kovačević, Predrag I.: “The Man we were Waiting for. Dragutin Gostuški About the Time and/of Arts of Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac” (“Човек кога смо чекали. Драгутин Гостушки о времену (и) уметности Стевана Стојановића Мокрањца”). Lecture Cycle Back to Cvijeta. Music School Stanković Hall (Циклус предавања Поново у Цвијети). October 2014.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “String Quartet of Predrag Milošević” (“Гудачки квартет Предрага Милошевића”). Presentation of the Multifaceted Artistic Activity of Predrag Milošević – 110th Anniversary of Birth. Organized by Serbian Musicological Society & Faculty of Music. University of Arts in Belgrade. December 2014.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “Armed Harlequin by Ferruccio Busoni” (“Наоружани Арлекин Феруча Бузонија”). The Fourth Musicological Forum of Students. Department of Musicology. Academy of Arts. The University of Novi Sad. 2015.

Kovačević, Predrag I.: “A Dance of Myths. Ariadne and Don Juan in a Dance for Life – An Opera within an Opera and a Tone Poem by Richard Straus”. The third Musicological Forum of Students. Department of Musicology. Academy of Arts. The University of Novi Sad. 2014.

Conducted Interviews with musicians and artists

Transcending Time and Musicalizing Silence with Orlando Garcia. Soundologia platform. June 28, 2024.

Erasing the Past with Music: A Conversation with Composer Dorothy Hindman. Soundologia platform. March 7, 2024.

Let’s talk about noise with the sound artist Richard Garret. Soundologia platform. In the preparation for publishing. Soundologia platform. February 8, 2024.

Nurturing Orchids and Preserving Slovak Identity through Music & Love with Juraj Kojš. Soundologia platform. December 14, 2023.

Creating a “haiku” theatre with the Dr. Daniel Medina. Soundologia platform. December 3, 2023.

Making Music with Guitar, Synth, Phone, 3D-printed Instruments, and Kitchen Elements with Federico Bonacossa, Soundologia platform. October 25, 2023.

Understanding the Interactive Arts: a Conversation with Jose Veliz. Soundologia platform. October 6, 2023.

Balancing Eastern and Western cultures and exploring a relationship between technology and creativity in the conversation with Jacob Sudol. Soundologia platform. April 2, 2023.

Creating a Sound Sculpture with Composer Alba Triana. Soundologia platform. March 15, 2023.

Living the Experimental Music Life – Composer Gustavo Matamoros. Soundologia platform. September 16, 2021.

Are Cyborgs Replacing Us? A Conversation with Composer Liza Seigido. Soundologia platform. September 7, 2021.

The conversation with musicologist Frank Cooper. FIU Music Festival 2019. October 27, 2019.

The conversation with members of Zen Trio. FIU Music Festival 2019. October 30, 2019.

The conversation with organist Katherine Meloan. FIU Music Festival 2019. November 10, 2019.

The conversation with pianist Vadym Kholodenko. FIU Music Festival 2019. November 8, 2019.

The conversation with the jazz pianist Joey Alexander. FIU Music Festival 2019. November 2, 2019.

The conversation with composer Branka Popović. Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. November 19, 2017.

The conversation with musicologist Jasenka Anđelković-Protić. Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. October 9, 2017.

The conversation with musicologist Roksanda Pejović. Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. May 9, 2017.